glass precariously suspended between a stretchy bungee cord above and a bouncy balloon below
audio video disco
There’s an urban myth which says that a school in the UK was forced to change its motto, “I hear, I see, I learn” because the Latin subjected it to ridicule! This piece plays with that motto “Audio Video Disco” as its title; the idea of gaining knowledge juxtaposed against the inherent humour we interpret…
Carefully balanced between the marking of time and the risk of collapse or breakage, a pendulum hovers millimeters from the floor. Reminiscent of a spindle in form, it brings to mind the idiom spinning a yarn, used to express the telling of a long imaginative story – or lie.
taking a magnet for a walk 2
The magnet becomes a lens of touch. Attraction, resistance, force and weight; feeling the environment through the pull of a magnet on metal or the weight of an object on a string. One can reflect on the items collected as archaeological finds and muse upon what it says of our culture anthropologically.