the hum (when jeffrey met laura)
A vibrating hoard of mixed plastic storage, which has lived a life and travelled much, holding nothing in particular but bestowed with value, moving from place to place, house to flat, home to home, in and out of storage and studios but never unpacked.
amid life’s uncertainties
reclaimed steel shelves, exhibiting wear and residues, are gel printed with dots of shimmering two toned paint and displayed in grids on the wall or deconstructed across the floor
the salinity of water bodies varies widely
site specific installation in a meat freezer at an old Sainsburys. tarpaulins, acrylic sheets, glass discs, led lights, mirrorball motors, beach balls, cable ties, fender buoys, lead weights, sea water. 2024
starboard starbound
2 steel panels reclaimed from a rescue boat, display the scars and erosion from their extensive life experience. Carved into the surface like a map, the pattern is highlighted with a dusting of iridescence; stardust from a starbound starboard.
off track .2
Reconfigured for an installation at Safe House I & II. Rotating arms intermittently but unpredictably knock hidden fun snaps off of a shelf up hight. The explosive bang startles the visitors and ricochets through the gallery. Debris accumulates underneath.
no name sculptures
Flickering, clattering, whipping, turning. A collection of unnamed sculptures, assembled from studio items, for ASC Open Studios, Brixton. Winter 2023
Suspended glass discs form a lily pad around a pond, swaying in the wind. At times they’re transparent and at others, reflective; projecting colour onto the surroundings. Changing light and weather conditions present a work that is constantly shifting
refresh interval (expanded)
A wall of wobbly steel sheets hum and vibrate. Through the cracks shards of coloured light flicker and flash. The audience is invited to interact by kicking the metal panels, resulting in frantic erratic and audible wobbling
nymphaeaceae (art on tour)
Taking a journey across the South West of England. A portable sculptural installation of glass is escorted to different environments and locations, to try out a variety of positions to harness the changing sunlight of the day. Smaller circles of refractive film on top of a glass circle, produces patterns and colours on the surrounding…
fruitless activities, part II
reconstructed steel frame, speaker stand, airbag packaging, spray paint and a lemon